+36 70 628 4044 info@feher-racz.com


in Hungary, Sopron

Root Canal Treatment

Endodontics has previously been considered an underrated field. However, it is quickly becoming one of the most prominent fields of comprehensive dentistry. A dental restoration has to be built on rock-solid foundations. A thorough root canal treatment can serve as a solid ground for crowns, bridges, or other treatments.

Conventional root canal treatment

Persisting infection often makes a root canal treatment necessary. Simpler cases with canals that are easy to see can be treated conventionally. Here, the necrotic tissue is removed, the canal is disinfected and sealed tight to prevent bacteria from entering again. The procedure does not take long and is typically pain free.

Microscopic root canal treatment

A lot of teeth have more than one canals or an even more complex system of converging and diverging canals that are often invisible to the naked eye. In these cases, we use a 24x microscope to make sure every last bit of necrotic tissue is removed and all canals are sealed properly. Our specialist Dr. Bernadett Racz has received additional training in microscopic endodontics and can treat even the most complicated canal systems with confidence. This also means a significantly better prognosis for your infected tooth.

Endodontic revision

A revision is often necessary if a tooth is still showing symptoms after being root canal treated. Here, we start by removing the old filling material. Then we prepare all canals properly using a microscope and precision instruments. Afterwards, the canal system is sealed tight.

Revisions are not always easy. However, we think it is important to give teeth a chance to heal before extracting them. Our concept which is on par with internationally recognized standards has resulted in high success rates so we recommend endodontic revisions for a fair amount of teeth before simply taking them out.

In good hands

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Things to know before your first visit.


Here, we have answered a few for you. Click on the questions to display the answers.

Why don't we just pull the tooth?

The natural tooth is a masterpiece that is in perfect harmony with the human body. For comprehensive dentistry, keeping this harmony is important, and with endodontics, it becomes possible to do just that.

Can you elaborate on the treatment?

Root canal treatments are pain-free and overall much more comfortable than extractions. Two to three shorter sessions are essential to ensure optimal long-term results.

I have problems with my filled tooth.

Say no more! Incorrectly placed fillings can cause much trouble. Fortunately, our endodontic treatmens make it possible for us to restore the natural health of your teeth – even if they are filled.
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Address: Arpad Str. 6.
9400 Sopron, Hungary

Tel: +36 70 628 4044
(Mo.-Fr. 8:30 - 16:30 Uhr)

Email: info@feher-racz.com

About Us

Feher & Racz is a private dental practice with three experts in general and specialized dentistry.

Expertise, experience and empathy. Everything in one place from the specialists of complex treatments.